manx celtic music and dance

RESEARCH ARTICLE - Hear the little German band by Maurice Powell

26 Nov 2015

‘Hear the little German band . . .’ by Maurice Powell 2015
Vaterland hear it . . . I make zee Manxman and ze forinjeer to fly
At this distance in time it may seem that the nuisance caused principally by German bands on the promenades and in the streets of Douglas during the 1880s is hardly a matter serious enough to devote many paragraphs to, but in fact, German bands, together with minstrel groups, hurdy-gurdy players and organ-grinders were a persistent source of annoyance to residents and visitors alike for many years. Referred to disparagingly in local newspapers as ‘travelling musicians’ and their ‘brother professors with the dark faces’, their presence on the Island was frequently questioned particularly as visiting English bands were always made welcome and were much appreciated.
Read the rest of the article here.
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