manx celtic music and dance

Two Norfolk Island visitors in September

16 Sep 2013

Churchill Scholarship recipient and Norfolk Islander Jodie Williams will make a research trip to the Isle of Man in September. With an interest in music, language and soundscapes in general, Jodie’s trip aims to trace the lineage of Norfolk Island’s sound heritage to its very beginnings in the Isle of Man. She will research, source and collect archival recordings, study contemporary multi/media/film storytelling techiques and compile new music compositions.

For more information on her work as a writer, designer, sound artist and publisher, see:

Adrian Cain tells us that this year’s Ned Maddrell Lecture will be held on Saturday 14th September at 3pm at the Stable Block at the Nunnery. It will be delivered by Peter Muhlhausler of the University of Adelaide. He will be speaking about the language situation in Norfolk Island.

Norfolk Island was settled in the 1850s from Pitcairn Island, so Christian is a common name there.

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