03 Aug 2016
Perree Bane at the International Eisteddfod
Report by John Dowling
After a break of several years, Perree Bane decided on a return visit to the International Eisteddfod in Llangollen. Having experienced the stress of the big white stage, 4000 spectators, live on Welsh TV and adjudicators who take no prisoners twice before we decided to offer our services in outer stage performances, the parade etc. A rented minibus and the excellent Steam Packet got us to Carrog where we renewed previous friendships and were re-aquainted with the "Grouse".
There was dancing and singing in Manks, English and Welsh! We were treated royally by the inhabitants of Carrog who were very kind in putting us up for the weekend, especially Paul and Christine who went to a great deal of trouble on our behalf. Impromptu performances at the Amphitheatre stage were enjoyed by all Thursday afternoon, and an jolly time Friday morning at Carrog School with the youngsters who also sang to us so well.
Imagine our thoughts when we were asked to enter for the choreographed folk dance competition Friday afternoon. With the prospect of prize money and a free lunch Perree Bane swallowed hard and agreed. Our inspired Artistic Director Carol had come up with an 8 minute routine and with a certain trepidation we went onto the big stage. We came 3rd from 5 entries (despite some mistakes) and were complimented on how we obviously enjoyed what we were doing. At one stage we could not hear our musicians for the applause! In contrast the Parade of Nations around the streets of Llangollen was great fun with thousands of spectators; choirs sang, dancers danced, bands played and people who hit things with sticks enthusiastically hit things with sticks.
We finished the weekend with performances in Riverside Park and the Amphitheatre; the dances went very well and were well received. Despite offering our services Sunday morning the organisers had nothing for us so we went for a canal boat ride across the aquaduct (don't look down!) and a wander around that very attractive part of Wales. A bit bumpy on the return crossing, most getting to bed around midnight.
A wonderful trip, and we hopefully did the Isle of Man proud. We are extremely grateful to the Arts Council for their continuing support and to the Steam Packet Company for the group rate for our passages that they kindly made available.
[photo credit: Eagle’s Nest Photography]
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